Noah Kravitz tweeted for US-based mobile news site Phonedog. Using the twitter name Phonedog_Noah, he accumulated 17,000 followers whilst working as a blogger for the company over a four year period.
When he left the company, he simply changed his username and took his followers with him. Eight months later the company filed a lawsuit claiming that the account's followers were a customer list, and it had invested substantial resources into building it.
The company is seeking damages of $2.50 (approx £1.60) per user per month totalling $370,000.
That's a lot of money; are twitter followers really that valuable? Let us know your thoughts..
When he left the company, he simply changed his username and took his followers with him. Eight months later the company filed a lawsuit claiming that the account's followers were a customer list, and it had invested substantial resources into building it.
The company is seeking damages of $2.50 (approx £1.60) per user per month totalling $370,000.
That's a lot of money; are twitter followers really that valuable? Let us know your thoughts..