Tuesday, 6 December 2011

So Facebook didn't buy Gowalla after-all

Turns out they just acquired the entire Gowalla development team.

Texas-based Gowalla is a two-year-old social network based around the idea of allowing users to "check in" to locations and share pictures from their visits.

Recently it refocused its efforts on becoming a a travel service, offering social guides to cities around the world including London, Amsterdam and Paris, based on its members' postings.

Whist Facebook hasn't acquired the Gowalla product,  having the Gowalla team on-board means you will see more and more location-based services creeping into Facebook in 2012.


Gowalla have confirmed on their blog that the service will be winding down in January 2012.  Facebook must have big plans for the new team!

The socialjamm team.


Villain said...

Great update and good tip below - looking forward to further blogging.

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