Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Social startup Airtime is recruiting

Sean Parker's latest venture is called Airtime; penned as a social video service similar to that of, the website is offering up several web development roles at their San Fransicso office.

Although the site doesn't offer up too much information on exactly what the service will offer, I'm sure there will be something innovative and groundbreaking here...

Well..with the likes of and Ashton Kutcher listed as investors and a current total investment exceeding $8m,  I would hope that they have some tricks up their sleeve and aren't trying to reinvent the already spinning chat-wheel.

More to come...

The socialjamm team.

Facebook timeline cover photo tips and guidelines for branded pages

As you may know Facebook are rolling out the timeline feature for brand pages in the coming weeks, which means that you will need one for your brand page.

One of the main new features is the large photo/image that can be displayed at the top of your brand page, known as the ‘cover photo’

The maximum size for a cover photo is 851 x 399 pixels. Ensure that when you design your cover photo that you leave enough room for your logo image which hovers above your cover photo.

The following images are some of our favourite cover photos from brands already using timeline.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

6 reasons that a custom twitter background design can help you gain more followers

With over 175 million twitter users it can be hard getting people to follow you,half of the battle if getting people to your page, the other half is keeping them interested and getting them to follow you. A great way to gain instant interest (and hopefully a follow) from viewer of your page is to design and implement a custom twitter background.

A custom twitter background allows you to:

1. Stand out from the crowd:

A custom Twitter design separates you from every other standard twitter background.

2. Strengthen your brand:

It can tie in with and strengthen your brand, as long as you use the same brand colours and logo. This means that viewers will find it instantly recognisable with your other branded marketing materials.

3. Add more contact information:

You can take advantage of the extra space available to you to include contact information which you couldn’t fit into the 160 characters twitter limits you to in your bio. (see this post to optimise your bio

4.Market Social Media and Blogs:

You can also use the space to market your other social media channels such as linkedin / Facebook / Youtube / Pinterest or your Blog if you have one, driving more traffic to those sites too.

5.Promote a Special offer:

The space can also be used to promote a specific offer that you are offering, a good call to action can entice people to buy your products or visit certain websites etc

6.Show off Your Personality:

Using images is one of the best ways to convey your personality, and this is an opportunity to let your personality to shine through.

The following 2 profiles have been designed by myself for my own profile @tim_eem and @socialjamm:

We will show you how to design a custom twitter brackground in our next post. So take these reasons and brainstorm what you would like to include on yours!

The socialjamm team.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Our Social Media blog gets it's 1000th read!

We would just like to thank all of our readers as we obtained our 1000th read this morning! Thank you for all of the support and great feedback!

We will continue to social media post tips and answer your questions via our twitter page,so if you have any burning questions or just need a little bit of help head over to @socialjamm.

The socialjamm team.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

‘Kony2012 - The invisible Children’ - ‘Amazing social media campaign for a fantastic cause

Sometimes a video that you watch can capture your attention and make you want to share it with everybody you know. ‘Kony2012 – Invisible Children’ is one of those videos and has been shared by millions of people all over the world in under 24 hours.

A video like this for such a worthy cause being shared virally shows the true potential of social networking and the change the human race can make by sharing content.

Who is Joseph Kony?

Joseph Kony is the world’s worst war criminal. In 1987 he took over leadership of an existing rebel group and renamed it the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).

The LRA has earned a reputation for its cruel and brutal tactics. When Joseph Kony found himself running out of fighters, he started abducting children to be soldiers in his army or “wives” for his officers. The LRA is encouraged to rape, mutilate, and kill civilians–often with blunt weapons.

What is Kony2012 – Invisible children?

Invisible Children has been working for 9 years to end Africa’s longest-running armed conflict. U.S. military advisers are currently deployed in Central Africa on a “time-limited” mission to stop Kony and disarm the LRA. If Kony isn’t captured this year, the window will be gone.

You can learn more about The Kony2012 campaign by visiting the website:

or watch the following video.


The video and the number of people who have watched it and shared it speak for themselves and show the true potential and power of social networking and how it can change the world by giving us all the strength and outlet to speak in one unified voice.

The team at socialjamm will be supporting and we hope you do too.

The socialjamm team.
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